Eyebrow Hair Transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from donor areas (usually the back of the scalp) to the eyebrows to restore or enhance eyebrow density and shape.
Candidates include individuals with sparse or thin eyebrows due to genetics, overplucking, scarring, or medical conditions. A consultation with our experts at Global Hair Dubai helps determine candidacy based on individual needs and expectations.
Our skilled surgeons use minimally invasive techniques to transplant hair follicles meticulously into the eyebrow area, ensuring natural-looking results. Local anesthesia is used for comfort during the procedure.
Patients can expect mild swelling and redness post-procedure, which usually subsides within a few days. The transplanted hair sheds initially but gradually regrows within a few months, with full results visible in about 6-12 months. We provide detailed aftercare instructions for optimal healing and eyebrow aesthetics.

Achieve natural, fuller eyebrows with precision eyebrow hair transplant procedures at Global Hair Dubai. Using advanced techniques, our skilled team restores eyebrow density, shapes, and symmetry for a confident, beautiful look. Explore personalized solutions for eyebrow restoration tailored to your unique preferences and needs.

Our Procedures

Discover a range of advanced hair restoration treatments tailored to your needs at Global Hair Dubai. From follicular unit extraction (FUE) and eyebrow transplants to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, our clinic offers personalized solutions for natural-looking results and renewed confidence in your appearance.

Dubai's No. 1 Eyebrow Transplants

Experience exceptional results and personalized care at Global Hair Center. With cutting-edge techniques, skilled professionals, and a commitment to natural-looking outcomes, we strive to restore your confidence and transform your hair restoration journey.
Why Global Hair Center?
Your Number 1 Destination For Hair Transplant in Dubai, offering cutting-edge solutions for hair restoration with expert care and precision.
The New Hair Line You Deserve
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