Head hair transplant is a procedure that provides a permanent solution for men and women who suffer from receding hairline, hair loss, or thinning of the front of the head, and can also be used to reduce large foreheads by covering its front with transplanted hair.

Our center provides the best doctors in the field of hair transplantation and the latest techniques and devices are used which leads to an excellent result and thick and healthy hair.

No, the head hair transplant is completely pain-free which makes it a great choice for many people.

Yes, the results of the head hair transplant are permanent and the doctor should let you if there are any exceptions.

The procedure lasts a few hours, but this depends mainly on the amount of hair that will be transplanted.

A head hair transplant is an optimal solution for people suffering from hair loss, thinning, or receding hairline. At Global Hair Dubai, we use advanced techniques such as FUE technology, which gives permanent, natural-looking results and a renewed sense of confidence.

The head hair transplant can help you regain a fuller, more youthful appearance, providing permanent solutions to hair loss problems.

Book your session now!

تلجأ النساء لعمليات زراعة الشعر وزراعة الحاجب لتحسين مظهرهم وتعزيز ثقتهم وجمالهم. جلوبال هير دبي من أفضل مراكز عمليات زراعة الشعر للنساء حيث نستخدم تقنيات متقدمة مصممة خصيصًا لمشاكل تساقط الشعر لدى النساء. تجمع عيادتنا بين الخبرة والتكنولوجيا المتطورة لتقديم نتائج طبيعية المظهر مما يساعد على استعادة الثقة.

اكتشفي حلولاً مخصصة لرحلة استعادة شعرك معنا.

Head Hair Transplant Procedure


During the procedure

At Global Hair Dubai, we usually use the FUE technique for head hair transplants. Our doctors start by giving you a local anesthetic to prevent any pain during the procedure, then determine the donor area, which is usually the back of the head to give natural and unnoticeable results. After that, the doctor uses a precise tool to transfer hair follicles from the donor area to the needed area, taking into account the direction and angle of the transplanted hair to obtain accurate results.

Recovery phase

The FUE technique used in the head hai transplant process ensures a quick recovery without any side effects or pain, the patient may experience some redness and slight swelling for a few days only but can resume their normal life immediately.

Trust Global Hair Dubai to get a thick and beautiful hairline, let our doctors combine up to 17 years of experience with the latest techniques to provide 100% guaranteed results.

Why Global Hair Center?

مرحلة التعافي من زراعة الشعر للسيدات تكون سريعة وغير مؤلمة، ولكن رعاية ما بعد العملية ومواعيد متابعة الشعر في جلوبال هير دبي ضرورية لمراقبة النمو وضمان النتائج المثالية، مما يمنحكي ثقة متجددة وشعرًا أكثر كثافة. ولذلك نعطى ضمان على عمليات زراعة الشعر ونوفر متابعة مجانية بعد العملية لمدة عام.

Why Choose Head Hair Transplant?

Choosing a head hair transplant at Global Hair Dubai ensures that you regain your natural appearance and increase your self-confidence, as the procedure provides you with the ideal solution to get thick and youthful hair.

There are many advantages to head hair transplant, including:

      • Permanent results
        The head hair transplant procedure has permanent results, which eliminates the need for temporary solutions such as wigs or shadowing the front part of the head.
      • Excellent outcome
        The procedure ensures a natural appearance without scars or marks, which gives thick hair that looks amazing.
      • Personalized treatment
        In the free consultation session, the doctor determines a treatment plan based specifically on your desires and personal requests to ensure satisfactory results that suit your condition.
      • Complete safety
        The transplant procedure is painless with a short recovery period that does not exceed several days because our doctors are experts which ensures that there are no side effects.
      • Post-Op followups
        We provide a warranty with every procedure at our center, and we also provide free follow-ups for a year, which makes us one of the leading hair transplant centers in Dubai.

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